In the heart of Dubai, where the skyline meets the stars, the Intercontinental Dubai Festival City became more than just a venue; it transformed into a melting pot of ideas and innovations during the Marketing 2.0 Conference.

Over three days, global thought leaders and storytellers shared ideas that inspired and engaged attendees, fostering a community of innovation. Denise took the stage, participating in a panel discussion about AI and the future and also as a Key Note Speaker.
Her true impact was felt as she embodied the role of a storyteller, weaving tales of customer journeys, victories, and the simple, yet profound, magic of human connections in marketing. Her keynote on customer acquisition was far from just another session; it was an invitation to journey into the heart of what makes marketing truly resonate—authenticity.

Denise delved deep into effective strategies, sharing not just strategies but pieces of her own journey, making every insight a personal gift to the audience. customer success stories and personal insights that The conference proved to be more than an event; it was a catalyst for new ideas and collaborations. Denise’s insights on customer acquisition stood out, sparking conversations that went beyond traditional marketing tactics.